Meet The Chinese Mercedes SL Replica Rip-off

You have got to hand it to the Chinese, they are the world’s leading manufacturing destination, but its built up a reputation for a country that lacks European standards of design heritage.

Perhaps that is why they produce so many knock-offs, cheap imitations of Europe’s best automotive offerings, possibly to understand what car design means. Its possible that these imitations get under the skins of car designers who originally penned them.

But as more and more European car makers establish manufacturing hubs in China, the country’s greatest fakers may have to pursue another occupation, so sit back, watch and listen to this music compilation of the best fake cars China has produced.

And yes they are rather quite hilariously, awful imitations, that’s why we love them. Nobody can ever accuse us here at DCB of being imitators, we are 100 percent original, oh yeah! Ahem…

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