The True State of Great Britain In 2015
https://youtu.be/3ffD2BVEiO8 A young video student from London happened to be making his way back home one evening during rush hour over London’s Kew Bridge. Driving his trusty scooter the motorcyclist like any other before takes advantage of the narrow gaps in between the traffic on either side. Only this is Great Britain and this is 2015. This is a country where baseball wearing thugs are able to afford Range Rover Sport’s and ‘happy-slap’ motorcyclists without retribution and seemingly for fun. The motorcyclist in question was wearing a recording device and decided to turn around and pursue his assailant. Having done so the Range Rover thug said he was also recording the incident on his dashboard cam. We say baseball wearing Range Rover owners are a blight on society and should be be banned from the roads.  Happy-Slap-Range-Rover-Driver
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