Russian Engineer Creates All Terrain Warrior
Russia is famed for it’s Vodka and equally famed for the quality of it’s scientific achievement of which we can’t really provide any kind of example. But nevertheless Russia produces outstanding scientists who drown their virtues in a bottle of Vodka on a nightly basis. So we’ve established that Russia’s are smart, one particular Russian demonstrates this principle. A Leksey Garagashyan is an engineer who has designed a all terrain vehicle that has typical Russian tough-guy trademarks. Garagashyan started working on a prototype in 2012 and many hours later and many bottles of Vodka later Garagashyan has revealed the “Sherp”. Weighing 1300 kg and measuring 3.4 meters long and 2.52 metres in width the Sherp has mahoosive wheels and ground clearance. Like a typical Russian male the Sherp is a tough guy and has a go any where attitude with a westernised can do attitude. Cost? $49,000 USD for a vehicle powered by 44.3 horsepower 1.5 liter Kubota V1505 four-cylinder diesel engine.
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