We’re going to have to pretend that Mercedes will find a market for their new pick-up truck and we’ll have to pretend Mercedes are not using a Nissan Navara chassis that will form the basis of the X Class. We’re also going to have to pretend the Mercedes Pickup truck bears no resemblance to the Nissan Navara or whatever the new Nissan Navara will look like even though we know the Navara and the X-Class look identical. But we’re just going to pretend not to notice and pretend everything is normal between these two pickup trucks.
The only difference between the Navara and X Class will be the front grill, one will have a Mercedes Badge the other a Nissan Badge. But we’re just going to pretend that both pickups will be different and have entirely different philosophies.
We’re also going to pretend to believe the marketing hype because our simple consumer minds are malleable to the whims of expert and deceptive marketing techniques. We’re just going to pretend that Mercedes will also have a proper 4×4 system that is superior to say… Land Rover’s far more superior 4×4 system.
We’re just going to pretend that the Mercedes X Class is as normal as normal can be even though in reality it’s just a cover a front if you will to manufacture more cars and make more profits for the shareholder.
2022 update: if you are looking for the video, so are we, the X Class failed so badly that Mercedes removed all video content from their official YouTube channel.