Very British Rolls Royce Phantom Is The Worlds Most Luxurious Car
As our relationship with very British Rolls Royce Motor Cars continues to deteriorate due to betrayal, lies, and deceit, our downward spiral into self-enforced obscurity also proudly continues. Very British Rolls Royce will survive this embarrassing episode for there will always be a multi-multi-multi-multi-millionaire willing to pay over £500k for a car. Our future, here at DCB Towers, is less certain which is why we don’t give a damn about the PR drivel / driven news cycle. So here is PR driven nonsense, it’s the full reveal of the new Rolls Royce Phantom, dubbed “the worlds most luxurious car”. It’s all so choreographed it makes one feel sea-sick.  Rolls-Royce-Phantom-Sea-Sickness-PR-Shit
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