His name is James, aka MR JWW, British, YouTuber. He should be called Mr Style because he is all about the male grooming, trendy clothing and supercars. He Vlogs about supercars, he owns supercars and through his YouTubing he has become well connected.
He writes for GQ, is a ReBull.com contributor, Aston Martin really like him. He is also a presenter for hire, Mr social media strategist and he wears Hackket. With whom he presumably has a “you scratch my back well scratch yours” relationship.
Anyway Mr JWW is the go-to, safe pair of hands YouTuber, stylish, shiny white teeth, slick back hair, trendy beard prism of style companies want to be associated with. YouTube is his platform. Supercars are his domain.
As such these companies pay him to be Mr JWW. And Mr JWW earns handsomely for being handsome. But make no mistake he is a petrol head for sure.
We here at the dailycarblog.com can’t even get a job washing cars. If you want to be a supercar YouTuber be more like Mr JWW.