Mat Watson has sensationally quit Carwow to model full-time for Burberry, the British luxury fashion brand. Waston has come a long way since his early days as a miner when he was specifically selected to replace the underground canary bird. Then, after a brief spell as a rag and bone man, he left his trusty horse and cart and made his way to London, initially living out of a mobile skip-for-hire. His talents were spotted after he was caught trying to break into a car belonging to a high-profile media mogul.
He went on to take Carwow’s YouTube channel to stellar heights, however, Watson became disillusioned with success and began planning his next step. He successfully serenaded Burberry executives with his emotional rendition of a canary suffering the effects of carbon monoxide poising. Burberry hired Watson on the spot for their latest fashion campaign.
Watson is seen modeling the Burberry detachable sleeve hood puffer jacket, which costs a cool £890. He also makes an emotional reunion with Carwow to review the Volvo Polestar 1 hybrid, which he dislikes.
Legal Disclaimer:
Mat Watson has not quit Carwow and does not model for Burberry (as far as we know), Burberry has never approached Watson to plug any products. As far as we know. He does actually dislike the Polestar 1.