MAster Yoda F1 Pundit - dailycarblog
Exclusive: Master Yoda Believes Yuki Tsunoda is A Sith Lord
Formula One

Master Yoda, a retired Force Ghost turned F1 pundit for the Daily Car Blog, is deeply concerned about F1 Rookie Yuki Tsunoda. During a decorated and celebrated career of the Jedi order, Master Yoda has developed a sixth sense when it comes to spotting Sith Lords. Although he failed to spot the most powerful Sith Lord of them all, who was operating in plain sight, Chancellor Palpatine. Count Dooku was his Padawan, albeit a Sith Lord… operating in plain sight. The combined and devious forces of Palpatine and Dooku brought an end to the Jedi order. Yoda fled the highly advanced city-planet of Coruscant for a permanent exile on the primordial planet Dagobah. There he spent his final days living like a hobo. Nevertheless, Master Yoda believes Yuki Tsunoda could inflict similar Sith inspired damage to the F1 order.

Yuki Tsunoda is A Sith Lord Says Master Yoda - Dailycarblog
Operating in plain sight?

During an exclusive interview with the Daily Car Blog Master Yoda revealed his thoughts,

DCB F1: 

Master Yoda, thank you for taking the time out to join us. Your Force Ghost is shining brightly today. Someone who isn’t shining brightly is Yuki “The Rookie” Tsunoda. So far this season, He has had one good race and two bad. What do you believe is going on?

Master Yoda, inline image, dailycarblogMaster Yoda: 

“Long time have I been watching Tsunoda San, Japanese he is, spirit of Smaurai he must summon. Quick to anger, swears like a drunken Liverpudlian on a night out in Ibiza he does. Grave future he holds. Fear for F1 future is real.”

DCB F1: 

Do you believe Yuki Tsunoda is from the Dark Side?

Master Yoda, inline image, dailycarblogMaster Yoda:

“Tsunoda is from the wrong side of the bed, every morning. Only a matter of time before he turns to the dark side. The dark side follows him as it did Palpatine, Dooku and Anakin. Much anger in Tsunoda. Anger leads to, hate leads to suffering, suffering leads to spontaneous swearing.”


Is it possible for Tsunoda to turn? To become a Jedi?

Master Yoda, inline image, dailycarblogMaster Yoda:

“For Yuki, too late it is. So much swearing for little gain. Sounds like a spoilt brat who didn’t get enough toys for Star Wars Christmas Special. Always wants more, gives too little back. This is the Tsunoda way, the way of the Sith.”


How can Tsunoda be defeated?

Master Yoda, inline image, dailycarblogMaster Yoda:

“To defeat a Sith Lord, appear in next JJ Abrams Star Wars directed movie. If Tsunoda writes movie script, approved by JJ Abrams his fate and defeat is sealed it is.”

Master Yoda’s Force Ghost was speaking exclusively to The Daily Car Blog.

MAster Yoda F1 Pundit - dailycarblog
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