BMW Mini Production - Oxford
Betrayal, BMW Moves Electric Mini Production Out of UK To China
Industry News

BMW will relocate production of the electric Mini hatch from the UK to China in a move seen as a betrayal to UK workers. It is also a grim reminder of the UK’s current economic crisis caused by many headwinds. The main crosswinds are Brexit and political turmoil causing economic despair and bewilderment to anyone seeking to utilize the UK’s proven automotive expertise. However, with the switch to electric cars, a great transition is occurring before our very eyes. The Chinese electric car industry is accelerating and out-developing the UK at a rapid pace. This isn’t about knowledge transfer it is an awakening by the Chinese who are investing billions and yielding dividends as a result.

The result is the Chinese electric auto industry is already winning the race to the top in terms of technological progress and being first in retail. The UK auto industry is witnessing the beginning of a slow decline and the start of the electric car-end game as BMW Mini heads off to China, the land of the setting sun and seemingly endless rising economic opportunities.

BMW Mini will partner with China’s Great Wall Motors to build electric versions of the Mini Hatch starting in 2023. A small SUV will follow. BMW Mini production in Oxford will make convertibles from 2025 as a consolation prize. BMW cited production inefficiencies as the reason for switching production which is hidden code for “were losing money in the UK”.

BMW eventually plans to return production of the electric Mini back to the UK, but declined to specify the timing. When it does, the Oxford production line will be outfitted with tooling and production facilities developed by Great Wall Motors. And if such a situation does ever come to pass, UK car production will become a vassal manufacturing hub to the world’s automotive industry.


寶馬將把電動迷你艙門的生產從英國轉移到中國,此舉被視為對英國工人的背叛。這也嚴峻地提醒了英國當前由許多不利因素引起的經濟危機。主要的逆風是英國退歐和政治動盪,這對任何尋求利用英國成熟的汽車專業知識的人造成經濟絕望和困惑。然而,隨著轉向電動汽車,一個巨大的轉變正在我們眼前發生。中國電動汽車產業正在加速發展,並以極快的速度超越英國。這與知識轉移無關,而是中國投資數十億並因此獲得紅利的覺醒。 結果是,中國電動汽車行業已經在技術進步和零售第一方面贏得了競爭。英國汽車業正在見證緩慢衰退的開始和電動汽車終端遊戲的開始,因為寶馬 Mini 前往中國,這片落日之地和看似無窮無盡的新興經濟機會。
BMW Mini 將與中國長城汽車合作,從 2023 年開始生產 Mini Hatch 的電動版。隨後將推出一款小型 SUV。牛津的 BMW Mini 生產將從 2025 年開始生產敞篷車作為安慰獎。寶馬將生產效率低下作為轉換生產的原因,這是“在英國虧損”的隱藏代碼。
寶馬最終計劃將電動 Mini 的生產返回英國,但拒絕透露具體時間。屆時,牛津生產線將配備長城汽車開發的工具和生產設施。如果這種情況真的發生,英國汽車生產將成為世界汽車工業的附屬製造中心。
BMW Mini Production - Oxford
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