Mazda Iconic SP Concept - 2023 Japan Mobility Show
Mazda, The Nothing Brand, Debuts Never To Be Built MX5 Nothing Concept
Auto News

If you believe our critique of Mazda is severe, you should try engaging with Mazda’s Martine Varrall. It’s akin to navigating through an eternal nightmare. Martine, with apparently nothing more fulfilling to occupy her time, excels in subverting your very existence for motives unbeknownst to anyone sane. Her sociopathic and psychopathic manoeuvres, all executed with a smile, have generously bestowed upon us not only psychological scars but also part-time PTSD. Martine is precisely the kind of person who might consider summoning the IDF to carpet bomb your living room over the most trivial of infractions.

This utterly inconspicuous existence aligns seamlessly with Mazda, as we firmly believe Mazda’s sole raison d’être is to excel in achieving nothing of merit. Innovation and forward-thinking are conspicuously absent—just a resounding nothingness. The most recent addition to this grand tapestry of nothingness is the Mazda MX5 EV Concept, unveiled at the 2023 Mobility Show.

It bears a name—a conceptual one, and it goes by the moniker Mazda Nothing Iconic SP. Admittedly, we appended the term “Nothing” solely to underscore our conviction that it embodies a brand of insignificance. The Nothing Iconic SP concept is propelled by a hybrid system, incorporating a twin rotary engine supplemented by an EV system, resulting in a combined output of 365bhp.

The twin rotary engine serves as the primary power source, while the EV system, equipped with a 17 kWh battery pack, functions as a turbo booster and also operates as a generator, charging on the go. Naturally, it boasts an electric range that, in our estimation, is… negligible. The complexity of it all seems overwhelming. The challenge with hybrids and part-time EVs arises when they start nearing a critical tipping point in terms of range.

When hybrids begin providing electric ranges of 120 miles or more, does it not make sense to transition to fully electric vehicles?

Mazda Iconic SP Concept - 2023 Japan Mobility Show
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