London Loses No1 Position as Supercar Ownership Capital
In perhaps the most insightful research conducted by Oracle Finance, supercar financier to the well heeled, the company has revealed 19 percent of its supercar owners actually reside in the Greater London Borough of Richmond. They suggest supercar spotters should go to Richmond and not Knightsbridge if they want to oogle the latest luxury supercar in the metal-flesh. We  can’t help but think this sort of information is a goldmine for supercar thief’s. Bentley-Mullsanne-Richmond-River Oracle Finance also revealed Notting Hill as another supercar ownership hot-spot, again this sounds to us like “X marks the spot” for a certain type of person on day release or who may have evaded G4S’s tight security. Honestly we’re not talking about city bankers. Oracle Finance managing director Peter Brook said: “We do a lot of business with customers living in the capital, but even I was surprised at the areas where our clients who buy supercars live”. Oracle Fiance also revealed its top 10 supercar London Boroughs were criminals may wish to strike;
  1. Richmond                   19%
  2. Notting Hill                 14%
  3. Harrow                       13%
  4. Hoxton                       12%
  5. Kilburn                       11%
  6. Waterloo                     9%
  7. Bethnal Green             7%
  8. Twickenham                6%
  9. Norwood                     4%
  10. Bromley                      1%
There is such a thing as discretion. You can spot the criminals quite easy in London, they carry disabled badges in their car windows yet are fully able-bodied, speak in a posh accents, wear tank-top body warmers, and drive beaten up VW Golf’s. Just sain’, innit.  Bentley-Mullsanne-Richmond
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