Infiniti Showcase The Synaptiq Concept
Design challenges can get challenging at best, not if you are a designer over at Infiniti who showed off their Synaptiq concept at the recent 2014 LA Motorshow. Infiniti-Synaptiq-concept-Rear Some have said it represents the 2029 look of Formula One but in reality it is merely a design study for a future if far-fetched, closed cockpit, racing series which would be held between LA and Las Vegas. SYNAPTIQ-Concept-B Only this imagined race has a twist, the Synaptiq concept can transform, in theory, from a race car to a 4×4 off-road SUV. This is where things get a bit too Hollywood, direct-to-video for us. The car is also able to transform into an aerobatic aircraft. SYNAPTIQ-Concept-A Perhaps the most surreal and perhaps most interesting part of this LA Motorshow Design Challenge entry was that the Synaptiq concept features no control system. SYNAPTIQ-Concept-C Infiniti say the Synaptiq is controlled by a body suit which fuses with the user upon entering the cockpit enclosure, what Infiniti calls a Symbiotic User Interface, as long as there are no complex graphics to navigate that’s fine by us. The body suit idea is probably the least far-fetched and most achievable idea proposed because the basic core technology is out there. However autonomous vehicles are probably the real future.  Infiniti-Synaptiq-concept-Front
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