If Ford have done anything right in this world then it has to be the Mustang, one of America’s most iconic muscle cars. And we love it, all Mustangs throughout their 50 year history have a timeless quality about them, they look just as good then as they do now.
And where would any Mustang be without the most classic of all American soundtracks, no we’re not talking about the “blues” era which is music of Black origin only to be high jacked by honkey-tonk America who then cashed in and got rich whilst the progenitors of Rhythm & Blues got diddly squat.
OK so we have side tracked a bit what we were meant to talk about was the classic V8 soundtrack, sadly this decade may well see the demise of the V8 as we once knew it.
To quote a classic hill-billy poem ” The worlds I’s grewed up een has changed.”