Shameless UK Driver Blinded By Stupidity
http://youtu.be/4xEtoL9ayUQ The M60 is an outer ring Motorway in Manchester, UK similar too the M25. The ‘Ner-thun-eers’ as they are known are a polite bunch by-and-by. If you have ever driven on the M25 its full of mad people who tail gate and try to run you off the road. They don’t do that in the ‘Nerth’. And neither do reckless drivers stereotypicaly emanate from Russia, these people are every where as this video shows. A driver captured a fellow motorist chugging along on the M60 with the windscreen still layered in a blanket of snow/ice, the Renault driver was estimated to be travelling at around 50mph. It appears the Renault driver was in a rush but at least did consider his safety by making two peep holes. Idiot. Greater Manchester police are said to be investigating, if he had been caught doing that on the M25 the Metropolitan Police would have shot him, asked him for hush-hush money and sent him off too Guantanamo Bay.  M60-Nertherner-Driver
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