Clarkson Hammond & May Head For Amazon Prime
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They were the unlikely trio that turned run of the mill Top Gear into global hit TV show watched by millions, over 300 million according to the official stats. Now the former Top Gear hosts have finally revealed where they are heading next, and its too the Amazon. Well Amazon Prime to be exact, the trio will be making a new car show for the ad-free instant streaming video platform. The show has no name as of yet but will air on Amazon Prime in 2016. Jeremy Clarkson quit Top Gear when the BBC decided not to renew his contract after he was found to have punched a Top Gear producer in the face over an argument about a cold meat platter during filming of the show on location. Co-presenters Richard Hammond and James May, although not involved in the incident, followed Jeremy by also leaving the show. At the time Hammond said ‘the three of us are a package’. Since the three quit naturally there has been fevered speculation on where they would end up next and it seems Amazon Prime snapped up the trio. On his Twitter account Clarkson said: I’m very excited to announce that Hammond, May and I have signed a deal with .@AmazonVideo” In a statement Richard Hammond said: “Amazon? Oh yes. I have already been there. I got bitten by a bullet ant.” James May added: “We have become part of the new age of smart TV. Ironic, isn’t it?” Jeremy Clarkson added: “I feel like I’ve climbed out of a biplane and into a spaceship.” Amazon is intent on making its Amazon Prime streaming service compete with the likes of Netflix and traditional broadcasters. Meanwhile the future of Top Gear is slowly starting to become clear if still shrouded in mystery. The latest rumors doing the round is that Formula One driver Jenson Button is tipped to become one of the shows new presenters.  James_May-Richard_Hammond-Jeremy_Clarkson
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