By Jeremiah Clarkson, September 14, 2015
“I do find the thought of a computer driving on my behalf about as remotely sane as spending a night in a lunatic asylum, or as we Brits call it The Houses of Parliament.”So hybrids and electric cars still don’t negate the problem of global warming they are temporary measures that only serve slow this mysterious process and make everyone feel sorry that the Polar Bear has no where to live because of melting ice caps. What everyone is talking about now is the fully automated vehicle, to hell with global warming, let’s design and sell the next big thing. On paper self-driving cars sound excellent. I imagine my Range Rover would be perfect for driving those long dull and endless journey’s on auto pilot. I could look down on the Plebs while eating caviar and wave like the Queen whilst overtaking said pleb in his pleb-mobile. But I wouldn’t want to do that, yes I want to stick into the faces of the plebs, because they are beneath me, hooo-haaa! But I do find the thought of a computer driving on my behalf about as remotely sane as spending a night in a lunatic asylum, or as we Brits call it The Houses of Parliament. Automated driving will suck the fun out of driving, like 1960’s high rise buildings sucked the humanity out of local communities. Idealism is a dangerous concept, like its dangerous to irritate a swarm of killer bees. Look how far technology has advanced since the Wright Brothers took to the skies in a flim-flam plane made out of bits of wood and canvas back in the day of 1903. Just 25 years later zee-Germans developed the first jet powered plane, by the 1960’s man had landed on the moon and today we have private jets, well I do the plebs have to make do with passenger jets… LOL. Hooo-haaa! And look how far the car industry has come in that same period of time, well actually the basic mechanical engineering is more or less the same but more advanced than it has ever been. Its the digital technology that has come on leaps and bounds particularly in the last 10 years or so. How far advanced will the digital car be in 25 years time and then beyond. For my self-importance grandiose-ness I hope its sooner rather than later, I’m getting sick of spitting in the direction of plebs I want fully automated spitting and explosions everything is better with explosions. I am not a terrorist.