When Not To Exercise The Use of The 2nd Amendment
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https://youtu.be/Upcvq_n03LY America and Americans have this kind of legislation written in their constitution called the 2nd Amendment. It’s popularly known as the “right to bear arms”. You may think this is rather old fashioned and you would be right, it was adopted in 1791. In 1861 the American Civil War erupted with racists in the South determined to keep hold of their slavery bounty and the rest is history. The 2nd Amendment is actually influenced by the English Bill of Rights but this isn’t a history lesson its a warning from history. Apparently the guys in the SUV were enraged by a group of trail bikers just going about their every day business trailing over the weekend. Perceived to be a nuisance by the SUV contingent the driver was giving it some to the bikers, for no particular reason. When biker recording the incident stopped to ask why he got a gun pointed in his face. This is the 2nd Amendment in action in a supposedly civilised country. Welcome to America where people still believe it’s 1791.  2nd-Amendment-1791
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