Our relationship with the very British Rolls Royce PR division is now in full “auto-self-destruct mode” meaning the bridge has collapsed into the water below, the water in the lake has dried up, Wild E Coyote has finally caught Road Runner, we are hanging on the edge of the bridge with our fingernails, oblivion is impending and so on and so on…
Talking about oblivion, very British Rolls Royce will be unleashing their latest product offensive, as dreadful as this may sound its… the very British Rolls Royce SUV.
A very British Rolls Royce SUV is a response to current market conditions, SUV sales are in high demand, money can be made and this is the 21st century, anything goes.
So accept the Rolls Royce SUV for what it is, Facebook inhabitant Peisert Design has. He drafted a fully realised concept render of the 2018 very British Rolls Royce SUV.
Based on spy shots these exclusive concept images reveal that the very British Rolls Royce SUV is going to be a styling disaster, a Susan Boyle SUV but without the talent.
This… thing… will sell and it will probably win another meaningless award from Top Gear.
These awards are created so that editors can logically fawn over Rolls Royce with the direct intention of securing drives and invites to events where fellow journalists aimlessly wander around as the conversation dries up to a mass whimper, “I live in the south of France, and own a vineyard, can’t afford it, but life is bliss”… and breath…
That’s why we, DCB Towers, are in auto-self-destruct-mode with very British Rolls Royce. And there is another reason but we won’t go into that specific detail.