More and more motorists are making the switch to electric cars ahead of the Government’s proposed 2040 ban on petrol and electric cars, but there are still many motorists on the fence. These motorists have a number of concerns that often include the price-tag, lack of charging infrastructure and range anxiety.It is understandable that people have concerns as there is still a lot of work to be done and a lot of misinterpreted information, so here are at the top five reasons to make the switch:1. Smart Financial Move
Whilst it is true that these vehicles are more expensive to purchase than a traditional car, they will prove to be the smarter financial move in the long run. With an electric car you benefit from zero road tax, you do not have to pay charges for polluting cars (which are appearing in more and more major cities) and you can benefit from a Government grant of up to £4,500 by making the switch. Crucially, you can make huge savings on running costs as electric cars cost about a quarter of the cost per mile than petrol.
2. Improving Range & Infrastructure
The main hesitation appears to be the supposed lack of charging points and the short range from one charge. Previously this may have been an issue, but the number of charging points is growing at a rapid rate and it is expected that charging points will outnumber petrol stations by 2020. This can eliminate range anxiety too, although this is also improving with cars with the smallest batteries capable of around 90 miles.
3. Variety of Models
Another great reason is the fantastic range of stylish automobiles available. Choice was previously limited, but now practically every manufacturer has an electric car available or has one being developed. There are also compacts, family cars, SUVs and everything in-between, so you should be able to find the right one for your needs. There will be more available in the used car market soon too, but always remember to take out an extended warranty with a company like ALA.
4. Performance
Electric cars perform brilliantly well too and benefit from a host of impressive technologies. Many have superb handling, they have no noisy engine and are comfortable for both driver and passenger.
5. Good for the Environment
Finally, an electric car is good for the environment by reducing local air pollution and helping to fight against climate change. The Government’s proposed 2040 ban is another reason, but the above are all reasons why it is better to make the change sooner rather than later.
As you can see, now is a great time to make the switch and the future looks very bright for the electric car revolution.