The Wiz Khalifa car collection isn’t a putrid mix of supercar fantasies as one would associate with hip-hop-rappers. Indeed the Khalifa garage is full of restored classics from the 1950’s to the 1970s of Americana automotive history. We spotted one current-generation Mercedes S Class, but there is no Bugatti, no Ferrari in sight.
Khalifa takes Architectural Digest, yes Architectural Digest on a tour of his L.A. house and admittedly a short tour of his car collection. That is the Wiz Khalifa car collection. Khalifa is derived from the Arabic word which means “successor”.
Khalifa’s real name is a more mundane Cameron Jibril Thomaz. Interestingly Jibril is Arabic for Gabriel, aka Angel Gabriel. The Arabic theme runs deep in the Thomaz nomenclature. As for we know, Khalifa has a net worth of $45m USD to his name.
Khalifa is a successful rapper, singer, producer of the “Dem Boz” hit has also penned a song for the movie Furious 7. “See You Again” peaked at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 for 12 non-consecutive weeks.