Do you know what Mercedes did? they ordered employees at their Van factory in Gasteiz, Spain to continue working. Despite a government emergency being declared to combat the virulent and deadly Conoravirus Pandemic. Motherfukers! When the workers turned up for their shift something unexpected happened. They organised a sit-in at the end of the production line. You have got to hand it to the Spanish workers. By striking they declared they will take no shit from Mercedes when their personal safety is under threat from pure and deliberate ignorance.
Mercedes were willing to risk the lives of their workers, presumably to meet management targets, to carry on regardless of the consequences. Sounds a bit WWII. But this is where it gets really dangerous, Mercedes ignored prior warning signs despite 1 worker contracting Coronavirus and a further 23 workers in quarantine.
Other auto manufacturers such as SEAT, Renault-Nissan halted production as the deadly Conoravirus rapidly consumes everyday Spanish life. Germany is under high alert after declaring the Conoravirus to be a threat to human life. Germany has 9,200 cases with just 26 deaths. Spain has recorded 13,716 cases and 558 deaths as of today.
Mercedes es la empresa más grande de la CAV y los 5.000 currelas estaban llamados a acudir hoy a sus puestos de trabajo.
— Igor Goikolea (@goikoleaigor) March 16, 2020
El comité de empresa ha decidido parar la cadena. Se han sentado en la salida de la línea 10 para evitar que salgan las furgonetas.#KapitalaVsBizitza
Clearly, Mercedes holds little value over the well being of their Spanish employees. One can only conclude they (Mercedes) are happy to send people to their deaths. Sounds a little bit WWII. Nevertheless and quite rightly the Spanish production staff took no shit and gave as much shit back to Mercedes as they possibly could and bravo to them.
As for Mercedes, they are despicable. What’s the point of implementing corporate health and safety measures if they do not apply to the biggest threat to humankind in the last 100 years? Mercedes, morally and ethically bankrupt.