America is in crisis, from a mismanaged pandemic to a mismanaged economy, an economy being surrendered by politicians to a business elite who are stripping the country’s assets and taking as much as they can possibly take. America is being robbed. This isn’t about political ideologies of socialism vs capitalism, it is simply out-and-out robbery of the American taxpayer. A robbery being perpetrated by political accomplices who are ruled over by a billionaire class.
The top 1 percent of the 1 percent has received up to $6 trillion dollars of taxpayer money under the cover of a pandemic. A move rubber-stamped by right and left-wing factions of the US congress, including Bernie Sanders. Meanwhile, Americans have been left to fend for themselves during a deadly pandemic. The Black Lifes Matter protests are not merely about George Floyd, it is about the growing inequities in all of America.
These are uncertain times and the eyes and ears of history are watching and listening. Meanwhile, life goes on, for YouTubers at least. Michael Luzzi participates in an underground drifting ho-down. With the police in tow, there is a lot of hollering, loitering, and yelling. And in these Covid-19 times, not a lot of social distancing either.