All electric bloody beetle, dailycarblog
UH-OH! VW Might Be Making An All-Electric Bloody Beetle
Auto News

When we here at DCB HQ heard the news that Volkswagen might be launching an all-electric bloody Beetle, we choked back the endless tears and spat out the tea in a spit-jet of disbelief. After we calmed down we decided upon a strategy. To launch a class-action lawsuit against Volkswagen for polluting our minds and hurt feelings which have caused us stress and anxiety.

We have word that a member of VWIDTalk discovered that Volkswagen has filed a trademark application to register “e-Beetle” among other marks. Could Volkswagen be considering a new electric Beetle? Designed on the same architecture as the ID.3, the new Beetle EV would be rear-wheel-drive like the original. If this does happen for real, then it means a return of retro-design. A return to the 2000s when the retro design was cool.

The last generation Bloody Beetle was a retrospective on a 1960s drug-fuelled hippy paradise that never really existed. And now the VW Bloody Beetle may well be resurrected. From the dead. Yet again. The Bloody Beetle should be allowed to die, the original people’s car served a political ideology. And that ugly ideology has never gone away. It’s done it’s best to hide away, to assimilate but it’s still here, like a disease it lingers.

Look to the future Volkswagen, create a new ideology, one for a new generation. A new generation who will forge a new age of creativity, a new… new. Don’t keep up digging the past for it was buried a long time ago. Volkswagen, do not bring back the Bloody Beetle you bloody fools.

All electric bloody beetle, dailycarblog
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