2018 British Grand Prix, Bottas heads safety car period
10 Tips For A Safe Driving Experience

Every time you get into your vehicle to go somewhere, there is always a risk that an accident could happen. Thankfully, there are ways that you can help to mitigate the chances of an accident and have a safe and secure drive. 1-800-injured recommends following a few tips so that way you can stay safe on the roads.

Let’s take a closer look.

Don’t Drive While Intoxicated

Don’t drink and drive might be an obvious tip to follow, but there are many vehicle crashes each year caused by intoxicated drivers on the road. Intoxication does not always have to mean driving after drinking alcohol, it can be driving under the influence of controlled substances or prescription medication.

Teen driver safety dailycarblog.com

When you drive while intoxicated, your reaction time is slower and your judgment is poorer, which means you are more prone to causing a car accident. If you are going to drink, be sure to have a dedicated driver with you or call a taxi or rideshare service, so you do not drive while drunk and you and others are safe while out driving.

Obey the Speed Limit

The speed limit needs to be followed for your safety and others. If you are in a rush or just tend to speed when driving, it can be easier to crash and cause an accident. Also, crashes are more devastating at high speeds. A great way to ensure that you obey the speed limit is to always leave early so you are not in a rush.

Avoid Distractions

The only thing you should be doing while on the road is focusing on the road. When you are distracted, this can lead to an increased chance of getting into a car accident.


You do not want to eat, do your makeup, or text while driving. You should do your best to limit distractions while driving.

Don’t Drive When You Are Tired

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has estimated that 100,000 car crashes per year are due to people driving while they are tired. If you feel like you need to get a little shut-eye and are on the road, pull over or stop somewhere to rest, and when you are well-rested, you can start driving again. You need to pay attention while on the road, and you cannot do that if you are not awake and alert.

Wear Your Seatbelt

An easy way to stay safe while on the road is always to buckle up; this includes you and passengers.

Seat belts save lives, and if you get into a serious accident and are wearing your seat belt, it could help lessen your injuries and save your life.

Be Careful in Inclement Weather

Be sure to take caution when driving in harsh conditions like high winds, rain, and snow. When these situations happen, you will want to go slower than usual, turn on your lights, and keep a lot of room between you and other drivers. And, if you do not feel safe driving in these conditions, wait until the weather has calmed and it is safe to drive.

Don’t Tailgate

Tailgating is when you drive too close to the vehicle in front of you. Drivers should avoid this type of behavior because, if the car in front of you stops short or brakes suddenly, it can result in a rear-end collision. So make sure to slow down and put enough space between you and other vehicles.

Pay Attention to Other Vehicles

Unfortunately, even if you are the best driver and follow all the road rules, there are instances where you can still get into an accident due to other people, not following road laws or not following any of these tips.

Women are wary of bad drivers dailycarblog.com

Therefore, you should always be vigilant and make sure you pay attention to what other drivers are doing so you can react accordingly. Also pay special attention to motorcycles and scooters, since they are small and can easily disappear in your blind spots and creep up on you seemingly out of nowhere.

Be a Defensive Driver

Defensive driving is the opposite of aggressive driving. We’ve all seen those drivers who are speeding and cutting people off in traffic. When you are a defensive driver, you follow all the rules and do everything you can to avoid an accident.

Maintain Your Vehicle

When you give your vehicle the proper care, like consistent oil changes, brake changes, and tire replacements, it makes driving on the road safer for you and those around you. For example, if you have brake problems and do not get them fixed, this can cause brake failure and lead to an accident. Therefore, caring for your car is essential for everyone’s safety.

You can have a safer driving experience on the road when you follow these tips.

2018 British Grand Prix, Bottas heads safety car period
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