Tesla Model S Test Crash 2022
The Most Expensive Car Crash Tests Revealed

Every car undergoes extensive testing prior to being made ready for retail. The testing also includes mandatory crash testing of the final production-ready car. If you are a car enthusiast, this part of the pre-production phase is probably the most distressing. Vehicle manufacturers will have to crash test a fully functional car.

So imagine a crash test involving a Rolls Royce Phantom, think of the hours spent painting the exterior and many hours spent on the bespoke interior. All of it will have to be crash tested in its fully realised state.

Vehicle crash testing is what it is, it is a means to an end. What happens to the crash-damaged vehicles? One assumes said vehicle doesn’t up in a local scrap yard.

Nevertheless, YouTuber Thanis 1997 reveals his Top 10 car crash tests of all time. Rolls Royce and Bentley are missing from the top ten list, but hey this is YouTube, this is 2022.

Tesla Model S Test Crash 2022
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