BMW Mini All Electric Convertible
Worst Car of The Week – The BMW Mini Electric Convertible
Auto News

I don’t know about you, but I would not pay £52,000 for an all-electric BMW Mini convertible. The all-electric BMW Mini isn’t even built around an electric architecture, so already you are getting built-in inefficiencies. But according to BMW, the all-electric Mini Convertible exists because of positive feedback from a one-off presentation show car last year. Who are these people who are so easily impressed to give away £52K for a car that offers a miserly range of 124 miles? Lies, pure lies. That’s the manufacturer’s mileage ‘estimate’, the real-world range is more likely 90 miles.

And let’s face it, hasn’t BMW told a lot of lies over the years? Remember BMW’s involvement in dieselgate? or what about their monopolistic practices in China? Thankfully only 999 models will be made because presumably, BMW Mini has quantified through research (by licking their finger and holding it aloft in the air) that demand is high for the all-electric Mini Convertible.

Or perhaps they hope 999 people are too high on cocaine to know any better. Certainly, the limited range of the BMW Mini Electric Convertible is enough to get these potential new buyers to and from their local drug seller and then off to another late-night-early-morning drug-fueled party before returning to their high-powered highly renumerated job a few hours later.

BMW estimates there are 150 people in the UK who are stupid enough to buy a Mini Electric Convertible. But it does have 160-litres of boot space, enough space to hide a stash of hash. Marvelous.

The BMW Mini Electric Convertible is a con, it’s in the name. YOU! BMW Mini Electric Convertible, YOU! are nothing more than a £50K scam, you have limited range and limited appeal, and you are the worst car of the week.

BMW Mini All Electric Convertible
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