Khyzyl Saleem - Tesla Model 3 Ultra Widebody Kit - Hero
This Tesla Model 3 is Stanced With A Saleem Ultra Widebody Bodykit
Auto News

Automotive concept artist Khyzyl Saleem has used his incredible skills to create a completely stanced out Tesla Model 3 which looks as though it was styled 12 years into the future. The extreme body kit looks like gladiatorial body armor. Saleem used Japanese widebody kit maker as his source of inspiration in what appears to be a bout of competitive styling.

Khyzyl Saleem explains his approach:

Khyzyl Saleem - Tesla Model 3 Ultra Widebody Kit - Side Elevation

Khyzyl Saleem: It’s always fun to do stupid stuff to make silly cars.

Khyzyl Saleem - Tesla Model 3 Ultra Widebody Kit - Front

Khyzyl Saleem: RWB Tesla 3? Don’t ask me why, @air_lift_performance made me do it and I kinda love it.

Khyzyl Saleem - Tesla Model 3 Ultra Widebody Kit - Rear Stance

Khyzyl Saleem: It’s always fun to do stupid stuff to make silly cars.

Khyzyl Saleem - Tesla Model 3 Ultra Widebody Kit - Final Stance

Khyzyl Saleem: I’ve also te-designed the front bumper entirely as I’ve never really liked the plain look of the Model 3 & Y. Gotta have fun creating otherwise what’s the point!

Khyzyl Saleem - Tesla Model 3 Ultra Widebody Kit - Hero
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