Aston Martin Goldfinger Edition - Worst car of The Week
Worst Car of The Week: The Aston Martin DB11-B Goldfinger Edition

Aston Martin has launched the DB11-B Goldfinger Edition, and you know what? I’m giving it the middle finger. This is supposed to be a celebration of 60 years of Aston Martin’s connection with the James Bond franchise, but the Goldfinger Edition is easily one of the lamest special editions in the brand’s history. Aston Martin doesn’t need a tacky, unimaginatively named model like this — Aston Martin sells itself.

In reality, however, the company struggles to sell as many cars as it would like and is almost always operating in the red. It can’t secure bank loans because it’s considered too risky, and frankly, Aston Martin’s current image feels more like the Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz.

Aston Martin doesn’t need to name a special edition after a long-forgotten movie that only resonates with the few remaining members of the boomer generation who can still connect the dots to the Goldfinger movie.

I can only imagine that this idea was cooked up by the World’s Poorest Billionaire, Lawrence Stroll. The Goldfinger Edition has his executive decision-making written all over it.

The DB11-B Goldfinger Edition is fools gold, a phantom gold rush, a triumph of narcissism over reality, which is exactly why it earns the title of worst car of the week.

Aston Martin Goldfinger Edition - Worst car of The Week
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