Edd China - Funky Ferrari 308 GT4 Gummy Fuel System
Edd China: Restoring a Classic Ferrari 308 GT4’s Funky Fuel System

Edd China is tackling the challenge of fixing a neglected Ferrari 308 GT4’s fuel system, which has become gummy, leaky, and full of gunk after years of sitting idle. The process of reviving this classic begins with addressing its compromised fuel system—an issue common to many vintage cars.

dIf the engine is severely damaged, the repair could be costly, but a simpler fix could make this restoration project a breeze.

The immediate goal is to get the iconic V8 engine to turn over, starting with a comprehensive cleanup and repair of the fuel system. This essential step sets the stage for bringing the Ferrari back to life!

Edd China - Funky Ferrari 308 GT4 Gummy Fuel System
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