Flying Cars of flying pigs?
Will Flying Cars Ever Take Off Or Forever Be An Idea Waiting To Happen?

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen news articles about flying cars. It feels staged—every summer, without fail, a new feature pops up in print or online (though, let’s be honest, who even reads print anymore?). The flying car is trapped in its own cycle of hype, perpetually framed as “just five years away” from commercialization.

This isn’t new. Coverage of flying cars has haunted headlines since the 1920s. At this point, I’m starting to wonder if we’re stuck in some sort of media mafia loop, where an unsuspecting audience is drip-fed these stories to distract them from critical thought—or any thought at all.

Take Supercar Blondie’s recent dive into the world of flying cars. The video opens with the cringeworthy line: “We’re moving closer and closer to a world of flying cars.”

Spoiler alert: We’re not. Given the abysmal standards of driving on roads today, imagine the chaos if we handed people airborne vehicles. The skies would erupt with road rage’s unhinged cousin: SKYRAGE.

Flying Cars of flying pigs?
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