Arabs Set To Be Banned From London’s Supercar Life
Auto News

Of course the headlines you just read were over the top, Arabs will not be banned from London. Rather bizarrely the local Boroughs charged with administering Knightsbridge, Kensington & Chelsea is drawing up legislation to stop what they see as the menace of supercar owners ‘over-driving’ their cars which cause excessive but rather glorious sounds albeit to the disdain of local residents.

The Knightsbridge area is home to these wealthy Arabs some of whom de-camp in London over the British summer and bring with then not just their families but also their supercars. The Daily Mail, a British newspaper obsessed with following celebrities on holiday and COMPLAINING about it in capital letters, reports on this yearly migration without fail.

Now the Daily Mail, lets say, only seems to prefer Anglo-Saxons, people of non-Anglo Saxon heritage are easy game, I mean this is a newspaper that once supported Oswald Mosely in the 1930’s, Mosely was a committed Nazi supporter. So that suspicion has never eroded.

Its quite easy to say that the Daily Mail has almost campaigned for this legislation, a kind of trial-by-newspaper. But if you go into London you very rarely see Supercar owners living it large in Knightsbridge, Kensington or Chelsea. You will most likely to hear them before you see them in Mayfair and Regents Street.

It seems that the proposed new legislation is targeting wealthy Arabs, most of whom are in their early 20’s-30’s and many of whom like to parade around London in their pride and joys. But how do you police what is a completely useless set of anti-social behavior laws?

If your reading this from say Canada or America do you want to know what my fellow Brits do abroad in countries like Spain? they literally leave a trail of sick in places like Ibiza. And what do Chelsea ‘sa-pour-ers’ do in France? They act all racialist and pure.

If the Arabs were urinating in Knightsbridge, being sick in Kensington, blaring their horns and revving their engines then there would be a case to be made. But they are not, its all harmless fun.

Alex Prindiville, self styled owner of London’s only supercar showroom, was alarmed at the draconian measures being drafted, he said ‘The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s proposal to draft a new set of anti-social behavior laws to deal specifically with the “menace” of wealthy Middle Eastern supercar drivers is heavy-handed and unnecessary.

‘Existing laws are already perfectly adequate to deal with the minority of supercar drivers who step out of line, provided they are properly enforced,’ reasons Alex. ‘The proposed Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to be applied to a large spread of Knightsbridge is using the proverbial sledgehammer to crack a nut.

‘While I can fully sympathise with local residents who are upset by the anti-social behavior of the few, the proposed terms of the PSPO are an excessive response – forbidden will be playing music loudly in your car, traveling in convoy, revving your engine, letting your engine idle, causing either a stationary or moving obstruction, sounding your horn, accelerating rapidly, and a few more things besides.

‘Will these new rules be evenly applied to all, I wonder. Will three Range Rovers in a row taking kids to a party be treated as a convoy? If those Range Rovers then stop on double yellow lines to disgorge the children, will that be seen as a stationary obstruction? If the mums dropping the kids off then have a little chat by the roadside with their doors open and music playing inside the car, will they be prosecuted?

‘If I were to go shopping at Harrods in the Ferrari LaFerrari currently in the Prindiville showroom and when I started it up it revved loudly – which it would because that’s simply what happens with supercars like these, whether you like it or not – would I be arrested and have my car impounded? said Prindiville.

The old saying goes you should never believe what newspapers say, and besides, how would Shmee150 make his living with the supercar life sucked out of London.

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