For some reason DCB is popular in Germany, we don’t know why. After all this is a British based web publication/blog. And being British we have every right to have a poke at our Germany brothers and sisters. They have won the World Cup many, many times, we won the most important fight of them all, a fight that owed so many to so few. Ahem.
To balance things out we have to say that Winston Churchill committed war crimes, he gave the go ahead to use chemical weapons against a restless tribal population in what is modern day Kurdistan. As Churchill put it “I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes,”
So what has this got to do with the new Mercedes S Class, how did we get from cars to chemical warfare? Because we’re popular in Germany and as god is our witness we will not be regurgitating another flag waving corporate press release telling us and therefore you how great the new Mercedes S Class cabriolet is. This is creative thinking people!
And this post is an apology to our German readers, all 10 of them, (there could be more) we apologise for leveling accusations of past war crimes from 70 years ago because the world was a different place back in the day. Back then Germany wanted to be like Great Britain. At the time the UK was an empire and committed equally notorious war crimes.
As we said Churchill gassed the Kurds, and how ironic it is now in 2015 that we in the West look upon “these uncivilized tribes” as being our friends. But how can a civilised nation use uncivilized instruments of war as Churchill did?
Our conclusion is that Churchill was an idiot. When his country was in peril he defended it, when other countries under the thumb of empire wanted the same freedoms he bombed them. What a hypocrite.
Wars are still raging across the globe but we can always look to the Mercedes S Class Cabriolet to forget about the deficiencies of badly drawn up foreign policy. Does a foreign policy have a compartment bulkhead made of aluminum and magnesium? No
Does a foreign policy have a 4.7-litre V8 which displaces 452bhp in the S500, or 585hp in the S63 4Matic Cabriolet V8 BiTurbo which can cover 0-62mph in 3.9 seconds? no is the answer. Obviously.
What a foreign policy does is displace people and its also expensive to administer, expensive is what the S Class cabriolet will also be.
To our German readers we are sorry but we won the war and you can keep your football world cup trophies, we still talk about 1966 as though it was bloody yesterday.