This Is Why Cars & Coffee Meets Should Be Banned
Call us anti-social (which we are) but we have never understood this thing about Cars & Coffee meetups. Like every fad in the world from supersized restaurant portions to steroid abuse this particular fad originates from America. Sadly it has even spread to highly cultured regions of Italy. Why do mostly supercar owners want to drive down to a coffee shop on a particular day of the week just to meet up with other people who own supercars? It’s mostly about vanity, by spreading the word on social media these supercar owners know YouTubers will find out, gather their film equipment, turn up and film the event. The day’s event will be captured on film, uploaded to YouTube and the supercar owners will have the elation of being anonymously famous… for a few seconds. So it’s really about the posing for thee supercar owners and for YouTubers a potential to cash in quick depending on the status of their respective channel in terms of subs. However one supercar owner attending a Cars & Coffee meet in Italy found out the hard way just how pointless these events are. After tanking up on what we presume was a coffee related beverage he exited the event in his Audi R8 Quattro. He couldn’t help but show off to the gathered crowd. Just a few hundred meters down the road the brand spanking new R8 spun and crashed into a ditch. This clip really does sum up the utter pointlessness of Cars & Coffee meets, whatever happened to just driving your precious merely for the enjoyment? Idiots.  car-coffee-meetup-italy-audi-r8
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