When you think of what vehicles really embody Britishness in car design, then you have to start with one of the most prestigious of all brands: Jaguar. They’ve seen their ups and down and changes in focus lately with some of the newest models like the new F-Type scaling back its sports car approach for a more economic focus. So, where do you look to see Jaguar at its purest expression of what the brand’s about? Let’s take a trip back to 1962 with the Mark II.The characterFirst of all, it’s a gorgeous car. It has one of those timeless profiles that’s both instantly recognisable and prestigiously aged without looking too antiquated. It’s all big curves and plenty of length, making it cut a clear shape amongst all the boxy, smart, snub-nosed economic choices on the road. It’s not small and unobtrusive, it’s almost painfully British in its bearing but that’s what so many love about it. It’s a car to be seen in. If you find it in less than perfect condition, it’s well worth getting it restored.The drivePower isn’t where a lot of these cars show their hand, however, which is why many newly serviced models tend to replace the original 2.4-engine that populated most models with a 3.8 with a gross horsepower of 220hp that’s better equipped to deal with the 3,200 pounds in weight you get with one of these. That lends it a 0-60 time that’s consistently under 10 seconds, still a respectable bit of kick by any means.ControlThat size and relative power come at an equivalent cost in the handling of the beast. It’s not bad by any measure but it requires a lot more care navigating the corners of a city block. It’s a car better designed for taking it trekking up mountains and across the country by any means. Where it does get sensible, however, is with the braking system. The four-wheel Dunlop disc braking system you find on them as standard is a truly modern fitting to find on a classic car. Besides being effective, it’s still very cost-effective and easy to get these serviced. It’s not a car you’re going to have to spend a fortune on to keep safe.The legacyThere’s a great love for Jaguar and, in particular, the Mark II amongst the hardcore fans. There’s still plenty of support, upgrade and maintenance tips to be found online. Even better, you can still find the occasional opportunity to test drive the classic through Jaguar dealers. Many Jaguar used cars come fully serviced and prepared inside and out. You rarely have to worry about having to spruce the old machine up.With the costs of the Mark II down around $70,000, now’s a good time to consider getting your hands on it. It’s a car with high collectability and there’s every reason to expect that the price will be shooting back up before too long. If you can’t buy it, it’s worth getting in the seat for a test drive just to see what the brand was like at its height.