Lucas and Marcus? who are they? Since the ending of scheduled TV, otherwise called the great TV extinction event, humans now spend their time watching the YouTube, Netflix and Amazon Prime TV. As with all extinction events, one species dies and another one arises from the embers of what was. A new species of televisual creator has found its way onto the biggest video platforms of the moment. Lucas and Marcus is the new breed of televisual personality, made by YouTube powered by uploads.
Lucas and Marcus have over 17 million subscribers and seem to spend their days larking around and repeating the word “dude” and “bro”. With such a large following they can cash in the advertising cash. That’s how they can afford to use a Mercedes G Class to crush stuff.
Anyway, way these generic crush videos are popular on YouTube. However, this is 12 minutes of your time you will never get back. We deeply regret watching all 60 seconds our will power could manage.