what to do after a car crash - dailycarblog
Four Most Common Injuries Sustained in Car Accidents

Car accidents are the leading cause of death for individuals aged between 1 and 54 in the United States of America. However, even the lightest car accidents tend to cause some nasty injuries. Before you hit the road, it’s important that you educate yourself on the safety of driving and the possible repercussions of a car accident.

Safe driving isn’t’ just about respecting speed limits and staying sober. It also entails

      • Being aware of your surroundings
      • Maintaining a safe distance
      • Cutting out all possible distractions
      • Respecting road traffic signs
      • Wearing your seatbelt
      • Being wary of weather conditions
      • Using turn signals
      • Driving road safe vehicles
      • Never driving drowsy or under the influence

Nevertheless, it’s called an accident for a reason and, many times, they are unavoidable no matter what you do. If you find yourself involved in a road traffic accident, here are some of the most common injuries you could sustain…

Broken Bones

Ankles, arms, legs, and pelvises are all common areas of the body that can be fractured during a car accident. The severity of these broken bones can range from simple hairline breaks to compound fractures, which in many cases require surgery. Avoid putting your feet up on the dashboard whilst in the car as this can also cause a serious injury during a car accident.

Internal Injuries

Depending on the sheer strength of the impact, you could suffer an internal injury because of your car accident. You could suffer from a ruptured spleen or liver, abdominal bleeding, or even intracranial bleeding. These are more difficult to diagnose as they cannot be seen with the naked eye. However, common symptoms include confusion, low blood pressure, dizziness, and slurred speech.

Back and Spinal Cord Injuries

One of the most frightening injuries is a spinal cord injury, as these are extremely painful and difficult to repair. If you do happen to suspect a back or spinal cord injury, it’s incredibly important that you do not move to the patient. Instead, wait for the paramedics to arrive as any movements could further worsen their condition. Symptoms to look out for include a tingling or loss of sensation in your hands or feet.

Head Injuries

Some of the most common injuries sustained in road traffic accidents are head injuries, especially any of those involving motorcycles. That’s why it’s crucial that you always wear a helmet, even if it is not a legal requirement in your state. Head injuries can range from light concussions to more serious issues like a traumatic brain injury. Given the sudden jolt to the body, you could experience whiplash and incur a lifelong injury.

Remember to always stay safe whilst driving on the road. Hopefully, you can avoid an accident at all costs and, even if you don’t, the best-case scenario is a few bruises and shock to the system. If you do happen to be involved in a traffic accident, you should seek out legal assistance and get the rightful compensation that you deserve.

what to do after a car crash - dailycarblog
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