Youtuber Alex Guberman who fronts the USA based E for Electric channel was one of the first early adopters of Volkswagen ID4. Guberman made an initial error by being an early adopter of newly introduced and untested electric vehicle (EV) technology. This decision exposed him to potential risks and uncertainties associated with such emerging technologies.
Adding to that, Guberman made a subsequent mistake by placing trust in the CEO of VW America, who convinced him that the ID4 was a revolutionary and game-changing vehicle. Unfortunately, this belief turned out to be misguided, and Guberman’s confidence in the CEO’s claims proved to be unfounded.
And if that wasn’t enough, Guberman made a third mistake by believing VW’s PR department. Indeed Guberman and his YouTube channel were officially deeply embedded within the whole car review ecosystem until he woke up one day to discover the media invites had dried up.
His crime? He simply told far too many truths which upset the car manufacturers. So, is Guberman’s review of the ID4 tainted? No, because the ID4 was so bad he had no other option but, to tell the truth. And his video doesn’t make for good viewing.