TWR Thunder cat Lion-Edition
Khyzyl Saleem Creates The TWR Thunder, Thunder, Thunder Cat, Lion-O Edition
Auto News

This is a collaborative effort involving veteran British performance engineering experts from TWR, fashion designer Magnus Walker, and digital artist Khyzyl Saleem, all combining their talents to create the XJS-based Supercat. We first noticed Saleem’s work a few years ago, and other motoring media outlets subsequently picked up on his story, thus introducing Saleem to the world.

Saleem specializes in creating hyper-modified and extravagant car concepts. Today, he has translated his digital skills into the real world with the launch of the TWR Supercat, OK so, we renamed it the Thunder Cat, Lion-O Edition for the banner headlines.

TWR Supercat - Louvres - Daily Car Blog

The TWR Supercat is a supercharged V12-powered Super-GT, boasting over 600 BHP, and crafted from the renowned Jaguar XJS platform. It represents the inception of a new era for one of the most revered names in motorsport and performance cars.

Limited strictly to 88 individual builds, each Supercat offers ample room for personalization to suit the preferences of TWR clients. Consequently, pricing will vary depending on individual specifications, with a starting indicative price of £225,000, excluding local taxes.

TWR Supercat - Daily Car Blog

Order books officially open today. Clients wishing to join those who have already committed to reservations following the announcement of the revival of TWR can secure their build slot with a £10,000 refundable deposit.

Production will be strictly limited with first deliveries to take place in the fourth quarter of 2024.

TWR Thunder cat Lion-Edition
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