Mitsubishi Declares Concept War For Geneva Motorshow
Auto News
Mitsubishi will head on over to the 85th Geneva International Motorshow with something to brag about or at least display yet another concept. Auto manufactures release flamboyant concepts to create a buzz, publicity or use them like a giant “LOOK-AT-ME!”calling card. In reality concepts often pave the way for a future design direction but we hope Mitsubishi decide which direction they want to go soon. The Shogun SUV needs to be replaced its venerable but aging 4×4 competence has received life-saving updates over the years but now is the time say we. Mitsubishi-Geneva-SUV-Concept-B And this concept may well herald new design details for the Shoguns replacement or it may not. Its actually a concept for a proposed crossover SUV plugin hybrid of the 2WD variety. Mitsubishi say it is a “powerful embodiment of its next generation 2WD plug-in hybrid electric (“PHEV”) technology as well as its bold design renaissance”. As with all pre-publicity concepts its a strain-to-see it set of images. The Geneva Motorshow is scheduled for March 5-15.  Mitsubishi-Geneva-SUV-Concept-A
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