Dubai is a wealthy oil rich state and if you have ever travelled to the country everything is blinged up to the max because that’s how Dubai rolls. So how do you sell a super-luxury car brand in a country where nothing is impossible to buy… for the wealthy elite at least.
There are around 65,000 millionaires resident in Duabi at any one time. There is estimated to be around 893 multi-millionaires who have typical assets worth more than $30m.
That means there is a lot of disposable income floating around and these Dubai multi-millionaires like nothing more than to splash the cash.
That’s why Bentley go to these extremes in Dubai and to standout Bentley has turned up the dealership bling factor to warp factor 10.
The new showroom is 6 stories high and covers 75,000 square feet. The exterior facade is illuminated by 160,000 LEDs which are able to change to whatever colour imaginable.
This is how to sell in Dubai, this is the only way to sell Bentley’s in Dubai.