Modern day cars are built to high standards, Dacia not included, yet they suffer from one problem, traction control, software developed and programmed by geeks and designed to limit the fun of rear wheel driving. The...
By Peter Fitch
September 17, 2014
It only takes a few minutes of madness to go from hero to moron, for this Ferrari owner it only takes seconds, literally 30 seconds as he try’s, vaingloriously, to impress a few onlookers by...
By Giles Milner
September 16, 2014 When you say cars and expensive in the same sentence you’re not talking about being ripped off by a car dealer or the often extortionate amount a garage charges for servicing. The worlds top...
By Chris Ward
September 15, 2014
The Lamborghini Gallardo is dead, long live the Lamborghini Huracan. But if you really want to know how to drive a Lamborghini, any Lamborghini, then this video shows how, only don’t try this at home,...
By James Broughton
September 7, 2014 We don’t wish any ill on the motorcycling community, but if you drive a car you know that motorbikes and some hotheaded owners are difficult to spot only coming into view at the last...
By Peter Fitch
September 4, 2014
With everybody obsessed with becoming a YouTube channel partner and an internet star, creating a new revenue stream and marketing channel is the real motive behind such aspirations. Elsewhere on the web people are doing...
By Alberto Frammartino
September 2, 2014